What is a puppymill
“Probably the most basic definition is that a puppy mill is any large-scale breeder who uses irresponsible breeding practices with the goal of making the most money possible in the shortest period of time. Smaller-scale breeders who are irresponsible are usually referred to as backyard breeders, although the problems are the same regardless of the size of the operation.''
Lots of senior dogs that end up at a rescue shelter after being used and abused (if they are lucky and are still alive) are puppymill survivors just as Grigri.
When they rescued 80 puppy mill dogs in Spain, Grigri was one of them.. he looked so bad that only the last rescue shelter took him as they don't leave any dog behind.. 14 were left.. 2 died.. all spend months at the hospital to recover and I am happily to report all have been adopted.

For all of you that loooooove puppy's and can't bother to check how the mom and dad of your pup are living.. this is 'Life at the puppymill' (well, you should not even call it 'living)
Life in a Puppy Mill
Conditions at a puppy mill are usually far less than ideal. Overcrowded cages are not cleaned regularly, and veterinary care is almost non-existent.
Females in puppy mills are bred every time they come into heat, and when they cannot serve as incubators, they are killed to make way for dogs that can. As a dog is repetitively bred, she produces smaller and smaller litters until she is taken “out of service” due to the reduction in her productivity and profitability.
If the last paragraph sounds to you like something that would be said of a machine, congratulations. You have taken the first step in helping to eliminate puppy mills.”
Conditions at a puppy mill
“In puppy mills, dogs are typically kept in small wire hutches inside sheds with no temperature control or outdoors with insufficient protection from harsh natural elements. They are exposed to extreme heat and cold as well as dangerously high levels of ammonia that arises from urine build-up. Uric acid soaks puppies lying on cage floors, burns their skin and paw pads, and causes respiratory distress.
The wire cage floors are meant to allow feces to drop through, but when cages are stacked, it falls onto the animals below. Feces often cakes cages so heavily it becomes the only solid surface on which they can stand. This is completely at odds with a dog’s natural instinct but they desperately long to feel the security of solid ground beneath their feet. Dogs in puppy mills are rarely, if ever, released from their cages to exercise or play.
Their imprisonment in cramped cages also causes the urine and feces buildup to severely mat the dogs’ fur. Frequently in a rescue situation, dogs are found so matted that their entire coat must be shaved off. Once shaved, dogs that had first appeared much larger are often revealed to be emaciated. In some cases, their matting and confinement are so extreme that their fur actually grows into the cage, pinning the dog in one spot.
Overgrown nails are extremely common in puppy mills and can actually get caught in or grow around the wire and trap a dog to the cage. Nails that are never trimmed or never worn down by walking or running on solid ground often grow back into the skin. This creates an infection that leads to painful suffering and life-threatening medical conditions. It is not unusual to find small collars that have not been changed as dogs have grown or collars that have been fastened so tightly that they have become embedded in a dog’s neck and must be carefully cut out.
To rehabilitate an ex-puppy mill dog, you’ll need patience, consistency, and some healthy realism.

People who adopt rescues are a special breed. You already know it's important to make sure you're not supporting puppy mills, which some people do inadvertently. "Any breeder that won't take a dog back, sells you a dog under eight weeks old or wants to ship you the dog is running a puppy mill and masquerading as a breeder.
If you are considering buying a dog instead,... here are a few tips to avoid being tricked by a puppy mill.
Allow you to visit the area puppy and parents live
Only breed one type of dog and know the breed well
Encourage multiple visits with your entire family to meet the dog
Never sell to a pet store or unknow buyers over the internet
Has a contract that requires the return of puppy/dog at any point in time during the life of the life if the person cannot keep/care for him
Has a guarantee for health and temperament
No requirements to purchase the dog
Will not allow you to meet parents of the puppy or let you see the area they live in
Has multiple types of puppies for sale or has puppies available
Being able to purchase online or at a pet store
They are willing to ship the puppy to you
They allow the puppy to leave mom when under 8 weeks
an advocate for puppy mill survivors
an advocate for senior dogs
aka a DOG MOM
One area where the article could be improved is by providing more information on how to address specific health and behavioral issues that are common among senior dogs and puppy mill survivors, such as joint problems or anxiety. Additionally, it would be helpful to include more information on how to support these dogs during the adoption process, such as providing a supportive and loving home environment. Also visit this website : https://dogregion.com/